SITU - University

"Embroidery Workshop"
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Have you noticed the embroidery on costumes, samplers, and other beautiful examples of embroidery from the past?  Ever wish you could make something like that yourself?

SITU-University featured a workshop for a small group of participants. They learned the basic stitches, which would take them into producing some marvelous items!

SITU's own Bobbi Chase, renowned embroiderer and teacher, had graciously agreed to teach a class in thread embroidery especially for SITU members!

Participants spent a day learning how to create basic embroidery stitches, drinking tea, and enjoying the companionship of other SITU members.

These new-found skills can now be used to create a wondrously embellished costume for all to ooh and aah over at the next SITU event.

Everyone was asked what their goal was in taking the Workshop.  Some had said
they wanted to have a sort of
"refresher course," having learned
embroidery as children.
One wanted to know how to
create monogrammed items.

Others wanted basics like,
"how to thread the needle" or
"how to make a strong knot."
Our instructor Miss Bobbi, brought several samples of her work
as inspiration pieces. Here are those examples...


This is a bodice of an 18th century outfit which Miss Bobbi wore
while visiting Williamsburg, Virginia a few years ago.
She created the "stomacher" (the center panel)
to compliment the outfit.  Just look at the amazing detail...

See how the oak leaves have variegation created by additional thread tones?
Notice the stylish ribbon-work along the edge of the jacket's opening?

We all "ooooo'd" and "aaaaah'd" when shown
this delightful piece.  While we initially
thought it was a book jacket or cover, it is
actually used to keep embroidery
flosses tidy.  Notice the small
loops along the left side?
Then you just tuck the loose
ends behind the embroidered "flap."

What a clever tool!!!

This is a very lovely piece as well.
It appears to be a monogrammed jabot
for an 18th century lady's blouse.

Not only is it monogrammed,
threads have been push/pulled so
it creates narrow little "holes"
along the outside border.

The fine vintage lace
just adds an additional dimension
to this handmade beauty.


According to Miss Bobbi, this piece
is one she is especially proud
to own.  It dates back to
the "teen's" so the pattern is
quite historic!


Thank you, Miss Bobbi, for teaching
such a terrific workshop for
our members.

Should any of our readers have interest
in participating in a future
workshop being planned, email:

LadyVictoria "at"
Be sure to mention in the
subject line interest in
SITU-U Workshops.

If you have interest in our group and have questions about what we do, what we have planned
for our next gathering, or historical costuming in general, either email LadyVictoria,
or visit our Homepage!

There, you will find additional photos,
Upcoming Events, Dress-up Opportunities,
Links to various resources,
as well as educational opportunities
produced by SITU-University.


Thank you for visiting our webpage.
We hope you will be able to attend one of
our gatherings in the very near future!


Updated Dec. 1,  2014