Interesting Costume-Related
Workshops & Classes

(Click HERE to see photos of past workshops!)

In response to several requests to hold workshops for members of Somewhere in Time, Unlimited and guests, Lady Victoria is in the process of lining up instructors for such things as: How to Start Costuming, Hat Decorating, Hat Construction 101, Recovering Your Parasol, Hatbox Construction & Decorating, etc.

If you are interested in any of these or have ideas of your own, Lady Victoria would love to hear from you!


Ladies Regency Attire Workshop

On behalf of SITU, Lady Victoria (aka Rita Harris) and Miss Bobbie Kalben are planning the latest in our series of workshops in sewing a useful outfit for SITU events and dress-up opportunities.  We are planning a workshop for a Regency Era Dress, c1795-c1820.  This era corresponds with our upcoming Winter Event, Bal au Masquerade dans La Vieux Carre, 1803, which will be on Saturday, February 6, 2010.

The Regency Dress Workshop is planned for Sunday, November 15, 2009, with optional fitting sessions on November 7 and 8, 2009.  The workshop will build upon the information presented at the Corset Design Studio on October 3 and 4, 2009 and the Introduction to Regency Attire Design Studio on October 10, 2009.

All of these sessions are free of charge. 

This workshop will differ from our previous workshops in several ways.  First, we will not be limited to just one particular pattern.  Miss Bobbie has reviewed several patterns appropriate for the time period.  You can choose which pattern you prefer, depending upon your taste and sewing capabilities.  (see below for more pattern information.)  Also, because this dress is more complicated than either the walking skirt or the One Hour Dress that we previously made in our workshops, this workshop would not be suitable for someone who does not know how to sew.  You should be able to sew a set-in sleeve and a princess seam for this workshop.  Also, Mary Hafner-Laney has graciously agreed to assist Miss Bobbie in this workshop.

More details will follow as we get them worked out.  At this point, please mark your calendars.  Miss Bobbie plans to discuss patterns and fabric options at the Introduction to Regency Attire Design Studio on October 10, 2009, as time allows.  She even picked up 4 patterns at an excellent price that she will begin selling at her cost at the Introduction to Regency Attire Design Studio on October 10, 2009.  (This particular pattern is Simplicity 4055, a Sense and Sensibility pattern, but there are lots of other Regency era dress patterns, including one by La Mode Bagatelle, created by our own Susan Pasco and Tamara Fidler.)

Drop me an email if you are interested in the workshop so I can gauge interest – official sign-up for the workshop will be announced later.  Also, if you have questions or comments, please let me know:  MissBobbie "at"

We suggest that you do NOT cut your pattern or fabric before the workshop.

LadyVictoria 206.720.7606 wk


We'd be delighted to see and meet you if you are interested in getting started!

For basic sewing classes, you might do well to check with your local fabric store (such as JoAnn Fabrics, Hancocks, Pacific Fabrics, etc.) or even your local sewing machine sales store to inquire about beginner classes.  Most fabric stores and sewing machine stores and some community colleges offer sewing classes.  For example, Seattle Central Community College the  Renton Technical College and New York Fashion Academy (all here in Washington State) are alternatives to consider.  Through these fine establishments, you may find very good instruction on very simple and basic techniques that will translate well into costuming abilities.

Somewhere in Time, Unlimited is not recommending any of the stores or colleges, merely suggesting locations where you might be able to find classes that you need.


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Updated September 14, 2009